3D Shooter Prep for Indoor Nationals

Indoor Nationals often takes place a week before an Archery Shooters Association 3D tournament. For me 3D archery is my passion and my main focus during March and after The Vegas Shoot! Therefore, my preparation for Indoor Nationals takes a back seat to my outdoor 3D prep during daylight hours.

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Indoor Setup

Going into my second indoor season in the pro division, I have developed a system for setting up my indoor sights. There are endless options when it comes to how you can set up your sight system, whether it be pin size, dot size, housing size or lens power. Everyone has their preferences for what they prefer to shoot and what works for them, I like to continually try new configurations to see if it may improve my scores or make my shot process more consistent. Here are just a few tips I can give you for trying indoors this season.

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Adjusting to Indoor Lighting

I find that indoor set up is usually easier for me because once I warm up and shoot several arrows consistently I can gauge my shot and account for the lighting of that venue. At that time I will adjust my sight to right or left, then high or low to zero in on the X. Each time I come to the line the first time at a new venue I work the same process:

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Investing in the Right Sight

I’m not sure about you, but where I grew up, I didn’t have a money tree growing in the backyard.  And I still don’t have one. Being thrifty was and is always a priority; as the old saying goes “you get what you pay for”. But can you get quality products without having to sell a kidney? And a better question may be “what fits my needs best?”. In some cases, I have seen people with sights on their bows that costs more than the bow. I’ve also seen hunts cut short and tournaments lost because of poorly made products. So I think we should take a quick look at what makes a quality sight “quality”.

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Pro Tips: Leveling 3rd Axis

When completing my 2nd and 3rd axis adjustments on my CBE Vertex, I always use the Hamskea Third Axis Level. It is a very quick and easy tool to use for leveling your sight. First you insert the threaded rod with the nylon nut into the level, making sure you can see the pin head on each end above and below your scope. Attach the level to the side of your vertical sight bar. Also make sure there is no residue that would not allow it to sit flat on the block. The edge next to the bubble vial is the true side.

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Picking Pins: 1, 3 or 5

I don’t know how it works with today’s archers but years ago, when I was trying to find out where I belonged in the archery world, I got into target archery because of my love for bowhunting, and I’ll be the first to admit: target archery has helped me become a better bowhunter. The need for accuracy and the attention to detail has transferred into all of my bowhunting set ups. Choosing the correct hunting sight set up can also make you a better bowhunter by making sure you are prepared for your environment.

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